
Hello, we would love to have you become part of Black Wine Professionals. Our categories with criteria are below. Please review the category requirements completely before submitting your application.

Fill out the form to apply and we will get back to you soon!

Media: Wine Journalists, Writers, Bloggers (minimum two years of blogging, Podcasters/Vloggers (minimum eighteen months of podcasting/vlogging) with updates in the last six months and/or published work outside of blog / podcast interview, etc. within the past two years prior to launch of June 28, 2020).

Educators & Consultants: Currently working as a wine educator with experience for at least two years prior to the launch of June 28, 2020; certifications (WSET, CMS, CSW, SWE, etc. Level 2 or higher) are highly recommended, but not required with experience of at least two years prior to the launch of June 28, 2020.

Marketing & PR: currently working in wine public relations / marketing / finance with at least two years of experience.

Grape Whisperers: currently work with wine grapes in management, lab, and/or cultivation.

Sales & Retail: currently working in sales for a winery, retailer, or supplier for at least three years.

Importation / Distribution: currently working as or for a wine importer or distributor.

Directors / Buyers: responsible for direct buying of wine and/or working as the Director at a winery, restaurant, etc.

Retail Owner: owner of wine retail shop of at least 2 years.

Sommeliers: current sommelier on the floor or previous sommelier floor experience (minimum 2 years on the floor) and/or currently working as a sommelier for events.

Speakers: speaker on a wine industry panel and/or conference within the past two years.