Steffini Bethea (Atlanta, GA)
Purple Corkscrew
@purplecorkscrewwineTJ Douglas (Boston, MA)
The Urban Grape
@urbangrapeSunshine Foss (Brooklyn, NY)
Happy Cork
@happycorkbrooklynRegina Gaines (Detroit, MI)
House of Pure Vin
@houseofpurevinJessica L. Green (Sayville, NY) - CMS 1, SSA
Down the Rabbit Hole
@dtrhwinesRegina Jackson (Conyers, GA)
Corks and Cuvée
@corksandcuveePascal Lewis, (New York, NY)
Harlem Wine Gallery
@harlemwineRacquel McCreary (Atlanta, GA)
The Purple CorkscrewFemi Oyediran (Charleston, SC) - CMS-Advanced
Graft Charleston
@femingtonsteeleSarah Pierre (Atlanta, GA)
3 Parks Wine
@3parkswine /@sarahpierre1Derrick C. Westbrook (Chicago, IL)
1340 Beer Wine Spirits
@derrickcwestbrook / @1340BWSMikiah Westbrooks (Detroit, MI)
Brix Retail
@brixdetroitBurnie Williams (Washington, D.C.)
Chat’s Liquors